JDThresholdList Class Reference

Creates a list of the tractors enumerated by the tractors.xml file to use with app. More...

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

(id) - initForTractor:
(NSArray *) - getThresholdList
(JDThresholdItem *) - getItemWithParamName:


NSMutableArray * thresholds
 list of the tractors as read in by the tractors.xml file
NSXMLParser * xmlParser
 parser for reading xml file
 temp item to hold while we populate
NSString * foundValue
 save teh value while we're working with an element
NSString * currentElement
 Current element working with.

Detailed Description

Creates a list of the tractors enumerated by the tractors.xml file to use with app.

Member Function Documentation

- (JDThresholdItem *) getItemWithParamName: (NSString *)  paramName  

Gets an item given a parameter name if it exists in our list

name of the parameter to look for. Parameter names are usually 'some-name' format.
a JDThresholdItem instance if the item is found. NULL otherwise.
- (NSArray *) getThresholdList  

Gets the list of tractors which have been parsed in

An array containing TractorItem objects.
- (id) initForTractor: (NSString *)  tractorTypeName  

Initialize the list for the appropriate type of tractor

tractorTypeName type name of the tractor. Needs to be one of the tractors defined in the tractors.xml file and also have a corresponding -threshold.xml file in the treshold resources.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
 All Classes Functions Properties

Generated on 27 Apr 2015 for My Project by  doxygen 1.6.1