JDThresholdItem Class Reference
Represents a tractor item used for enumerating tractors in the tractor list.
List of all members.
Detailed Description
Represents a tractor item used for enumerating tractors in the tractor list.
Member Function Documentation
- (NSString *) getParameterName |
Gets the name of this parameter
- Returns:
- String of the parameter name
- (JDPARAMTYPE) getParamType |
gets Parameter type (i.e. integer, string, real)
- Returns:
- The enumeration value fo this type
- (JDPARAMTEST) getTestType |
Gets the type of test to perform
- Returns:
- the enumeration value for the teest type (above or below)
- (NSNumber *) getThresholdValue |
the actual value to compare
- Returns:
- a number with the value to compare against the threshold
- (NSString *) getUnitString |
The unit string name (e.g. 'gallons')
- Returns:
- String with the unit name
get the type of user for this param
- Returns:
- the user type for this parameter
Creates a new instance by making a copy of an old one
- Parameters:
- Returns:
- a new JDTractorItem
- (bool) isAlert: |
(NSObject *) |
testValue |
Tests to see if the provided value should trigger an alert. If above is specified as test type, if value is above threshold, trigger. If below is specified as test type, if value is below threshold, trigger.
- Parameters:
| testValue | the value to test against the threshold. |
- Returns:
- True if an alert should be triggered. False otherwise.
- (bool) readParamType: |
(NSString *) |
testString |
Automatically set param from string. If 'int' set type to int. Otherwise default to real.
- Parameters:
| string | to test for param type |
- Returns:
- True if string is either int or real, false otherwise.
- (bool) readTestType: |
(NSString *) |
testString |
Automatically set test type from string. If 'above' set type to above. Otherwise default to below.
- Parameters:
| string | to test for test type |
- Returns:
- True if string is either above or below, false otherwise.
- (bool) readThreshold: |
(NSString *) |
testString |
Automatically read in the threshold and save it from string
- Parameters:
| testString | string to read threshold from |
- Returns:
- true on success, false on failure
- (bool) readUser: |
(NSString *) |
testString |
Automatically read in the user type and save it from string
- Parameters:
| testString | string to read user type from |
- Returns:
- true on success, false on failure
- (void) setParameterName: |
(NSString *) |
paramName |
Sets the parameter name
- Parameters:
| paramName | name of the parameter |
- (void) setTestType: |
testType |
Sets the test type for the threshold
- Parameters:
| testType | test type form the enumeration (above, below) |
- (void) setThresholdValue: |
(NSNumber *) |
thresholdValue |
Sets the number value fot he threshold. Usually convereted to double
- Parameters:
| thresholdValue | value to set as the threshold |
- (void) setUnitString: |
(NSString *) |
unitString |
Sets the unit string (.e.g 'gallons')
- Parameters:
| unitString | name of the unit string |
- (void) setUserType: |
userType |
Sets the user type
- Parameters:
| userType | user type to set |
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