JDAlertManagerImporved Class Reference

provides a manager for adding and removing alerts More...

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

(instancetype) - init
(void) - getAlertsWithUserID:
(NSArray *) - getAlertsWithTractorID:withType:
(bool) - dateCheck:


NSMutableArray * tractors
NSMutableDictionary * things

Detailed Description

provides a manager for adding and removing alerts

Member Function Documentation

- (NSArray *) getAlertsWithTractorID: (unsigned long)  tractorID
withType: (NSString *)  tractorType 

Gets the alerts for a particular tractor

tractorID ID of the tractor to search for
tractorType specify the type of tractor to load threshold lists
The Array of results for this tractor
- (void) getAlertsWithUserID: (NSString *)  userID  

Gets all the alerts for the current user. This is a unique database connected function as it does not return and NSArray * of JDFieldArray objects but of JDTempTractorAlert objects.

userID id of the user (number in string form) to get alerts for
NSArray * of JDTempTractorAlert alerts for this user or empty.
- (instancetype) init  

Initializes Alert Manager and makes sure databases exists.

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 All Classes Functions Properties

Generated on 27 Apr 2015 for My Project by  doxygen 1.6.1