JDDatabaseManager Class Reference

Provides a manager for interacting with the database safely. More...

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

(instancetype) - initWithDatabaseFilename:
(instancetype) - init
(sqlite3 *) - getAppCoreDB
(sqlite3 *) - getDatabase:
(BOOL) - setAppCoreEntry:withValue:andEnable:
(BOOL) - addAppCoreEntry:withValue:andEnable:
(NSString *) - getAppCoreEntry:
(BOOL) - removeAppCoreDatabase
(BOOL) - removeDatabase:
(BOOL) - createTable:withFields:
(BOOL) - setEntries:inTable:whereField:isEqualTo:ofType:
(BOOL) - setEntries:inTable:whereField:isEqualTo:ofType:withID:
(BOOL) - addEntries:inTable:
(NSMutableArray *) - getEntries:inTable:
(NSMutableArray *) - getEntries:inTable:whereField:isEqualTo:ofType:
(NSMutableArray *) - getEntries:inTable:whereField:isEqualTo:ofType:withLimit:
(NSMutableArray *) - getEntries:inTable:whereField:isEqualTo:ofType:withLimit:withOrder:orderColumn:groupColumn:
(NSMutableArray *) - getEntries:inTable:whereField:isEqualTo:ofType:isLikeTo:ofType:
(void) - createAppCoreDatabase
 Create a new application core database.
(void) - createDatabase:
 Create a new database with the given databaes name.
(NSString *) - string:fromType:
 Get an appropriately formatted string for an object of a spcific data type (TEXT/INTEGER e.g.).

Public Attributes

NSString *const AppCoreDB


NSString * documentsDirectory
NSString * databaseFilename

Detailed Description

Provides a manager for interacting with the database safely.

Member Function Documentation

- (BOOL) addAppCoreEntry: (NSString *)  opt
withValue: (NSString *)  value
andEnable: (BOOL)  enabled 

Use to adds a row to the AppCore database which is used to provide application settings/state information for the rest of the app

opt the name of the option to add
value the value to give the option
enabled detirmine of the option is enabled or not
true on success false on failure
- (BOOL) addEntries: (JDFieldArray *)  opts
inTable: (NSString *)  table 

Add values to the database

opt the name of the option to add
table name of table to access
enabled detirmine of the option is enabled or not
true on success false on failure
- (BOOL) createTable: (NSString *)  tableName
withFields: (NSArray *)  fields 

Creates a table with the field values provided, id field provided by default, do not add on own.

tableName the name of the table to create in the databse
fields should be an array of strings with the name and type of fields to add; example: @"NAME TEXT", @"VALUE INTEGER"
true on successful creation, false otherwise
- (sqlite3 *) getAppCoreDB  

Gets the app core sqlite 3 database object

sqlite3* database struct if found or NULL on failure
- (NSString *) getAppCoreEntry: (NSString *)  opt  

Gets an option entry from the AppCore table

opt string containing the name of the option to get
returns value of option if found or NULL if doesn't exist
- (sqlite3 *) getDatabase: (NSString *)  databaseName  

Gets an sqlite 3 database object

databaseName the name of the database.db to look up
database struct if found or NULL on failure
- (NSMutableArray *) getEntries: (JDFieldArray *)  opts
inTable: (NSString *)  table 

Gets an option entry from the AppCore table

opts JDFIELDS containing the name of the fields to get
table name of table to access
returns value of fields if found or NULL if doesn't exist Complete this implementation
- (NSMutableArray *) getEntries: (JDFieldArray *)  opts
inTable: (NSString *)  table
whereField: (NSString *)  field
isEqualTo: (NSObject *)  testObj
ofType: (enum JDDATATYPE)  dataType 

Gets an option entry from the database table

opts the fields to update with values
table name of table to access
field field to test for updating
testObj object to test where against
dataType of this type of data
Results of the select, or null if failed
- (NSMutableArray *) getEntries: (JDFieldArray *)  opts
inTable: (NSString *)  table
whereField: (NSString *)  field
isEqualTo: (NSObject *)  testObj
ofType: (enum JDDATATYPE)  dataType
withLimit: (int)  limit 

Gets an option entry from the database table

opts the fields to update with values
table name of table to access
field field to test for updating, null for no condition
testObj object to test where against, null for no condition
dataType of this type of data, 0 for no condition
limit number of items to return, -1 for unlimited
Results of the select, or null if failed
- (NSMutableArray *) getEntries: (JDFieldArray *)  opts
inTable: (NSString *)  table
whereField: (NSString *)  field
isEqualTo: (NSObject *)  testObj
ofType: (enum JDDATATYPE)  dataType
withLimit: (int)  limit
withOrder: (enum JDATAORDER)  orderType
orderColumn: (NSString *)  orderColumn
groupColumn: (NSString *)  groupColumn 

Gets an option entry from the database table

opts the fields to update with values
table name of table to access
field field to test for updating, null for no condition
testObj object to test where against, null for no condition
dataType of this type of data, 0 for no condition
limit number of items to return, -1 for unlimited
orderType the type of ordering to apply to the columns
orderColumn,the column to order by
distinctColumn column to force to be distince
Results of the select, or null if failed
- (instancetype) init  

Initialises the database.

- (instancetype) initWithDatabaseFilename: (NSString *)  dbFilename  

Initialize a new database manager interacting with the provided database filename.

dbFilename Name of the sqlite database file to use.
- (BOOL) removeAppCoreDatabase  

Very sensitive method that should only be called if you want to completely delete the AppCore.db sqlite database file.

- (BOOL) removeDatabase: (NSString *)  databaseName  

Very sensitive method that should only be called if you want to completely delete an sqlite database file. ONLY THEN!

- (BOOL) setAppCoreEntry: (NSString *)  opt
withValue: (NSString *)  value
andEnable: (BOOL)  enabled 

Set an entry in the app core data table or create one if not there already

opt the name of the option to add
value the value to give the option
enabled detirmine of the option is enabled or not
true on success false on failure
- (BOOL) setEntries: (JDFieldArray *)  opts
inTable: (NSString *)  table
whereField: (NSString *)  field
isEqualTo: (NSObject *)  testObj
ofType: (enum JDDATATYPE)  dataType 

Set an entry in a database table or create one if not there already

opts the fields to update with values
table name of table to access
field field to test for updating
testObj object to test where against
dataType of this type of data
true on success false on failure
- (BOOL) setEntries: (JDFieldArray *)  opts
inTable: (NSString *)  table
whereField: (NSString *)  field
isEqualTo: (NSObject *)  testObj
ofType: (enum JDDATATYPE)  dataType
withID: (NSNumber *)  entryID 

Set an entry in a database table or create one if not there already

opts the fields to update with values
table name of table to access
field field to test for updating
testObj object to test where against
dataType of this type of data
entryID contains unsigned long value of the id or null if no id to use
true on success false on failure

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 All Classes Functions Properties

Generated on 27 Apr 2015 for My Project by  doxygen 1.6.1