Reachability Class Reference
List of all members.
Public Member Functions |
(Reachability *) | - initWithReachabilityRef: |
(BOOL) | - startNotifier |
(void) | - stopNotifier |
(BOOL) | - isReachable |
(BOOL) | - isReachableViaWWAN |
(BOOL) | - isReachableViaWiFi |
(BOOL) | - isConnectionRequired |
(BOOL) | - connectionRequired |
(BOOL) | - isConnectionOnDemand |
(BOOL) | - isInterventionRequired |
(NetworkStatus) | - currentReachabilityStatus |
(SCNetworkReachabilityFlags) | - reachabilityFlags |
(NSString *) | - currentReachabilityString |
(NSString *) | - currentReachabilityFlags |
(void) | - reachabilityChanged: |
(BOOL) | - isReachableWithFlags: |
Static Public Member Functions |
(Reachability *) | + reachabilityWithHostname: |
(Reachability *) | + reachabilityWithHostName: |
(Reachability *) | + reachabilityForInternetConnection |
(Reachability *) | + reachabilityWithAddress: |
(Reachability *) | + reachabilityForLocalWiFi |
Properties |
NetworkReachable | reachableBlock |
NetworkUnreachable | unreachableBlock |
BOOL | reachableOnWWAN |
SCNetworkReachabilityRef | reachabilityRef |
dispatch_queue_t | reachabilitySerialQueue |
id | reachabilityObject |
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