JDTractorList Class Reference

Creates a list of the tractors enumerated by the tractors.xml file to use with app. More...

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

(NSArray *) - getTractorList


NSMutableArray * tractors
 list of the tractors as read in by the tractors.xml file, the are all JDTractorItem objects
NSXMLParser * xmlParser
 parser for reading xml file
 temp item to hold while we populate
NSString * foundValue
 save teh value while we're working with an element
NSString * currentElement
 Current element working with.

Detailed Description

Creates a list of the tractors enumerated by the tractors.xml file to use with app.

Member Function Documentation

- (NSArray *) getTractorList  

Gets the list of tractors which have been parsed in

An array containing TractorItem objects.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
 All Classes Functions Properties

Generated on 27 Apr 2015 for My Project by  doxygen 1.6.1