JDTractorAlertServerItem Class Reference

Items served as alerts for a tractorvision recognition. More...

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

(id) - initWithTractorId:withType:
(BOOL) - hasTirePressureAlert
(BOOL) - hasFuelLevelAlert
(BOOL) - hasEngineHoursAlert
(unsigned long) - getTirePressureAlert
(unsigned long) - getFuelLevelAlert
(unsigned long) - getEngineHoursAlert
(NSString *) - getVehicleName


NSArray * maintenanceItems

Detailed Description

Items served as alerts for a tractorvision recognition.

Member Function Documentation

- (unsigned long) getEngineHoursAlert  

gets the value of a enginge hours alert

0 if no alert, value of the alert otherwise
- (unsigned long) getFuelLevelAlert  

gets the value of a fuel level alert

0 if no alert, value of the alert otherwise
- (unsigned long) getTirePressureAlert  

gets the value of a tire pressure alert

0 if no alert, value of the alert otherwise
- (NSString *) getVehicleName  
complete implementation return the name of this vehicle
The name of the vehicle being looked at
- (BOOL) hasEngineHoursAlert  

Checks if there is an engine hours alert for this tractor

True if there is a tire pressure alert, false otherwise
- (BOOL) hasFuelLevelAlert  

Checks if there is a fuel level alert for this tractor

True if there is a tire pressure alert, false otherwise
- (BOOL) hasTirePressureAlert  

Checks if there is a tire pressure alert for this tractor

True if there is a tire pressure alert, false otherwise
- (id) initWithTractorId: (unsigned long)  tractorID
withType: (NSString *)  tractorType 

Initializes the item based on the tractor id

tractorID database id of the tractor

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
 All Classes Functions Properties

Generated on 27 Apr 2015 for My Project by  doxygen 1.6.1