Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
JDAddVehicleViewControllerView controller to add a new vehicle to app
JDAlertManagerManager for adding and removing alerts
JDAlertManagerImporvedManager for adding and removing alerts
JDAlertsTableViewControllerView controller displays the my vehicles page interface
JDAppInfoViewControllerView Controller to display application information to user
JDApplicationSettingsTableViewControllerView Controller to display application settings in table format
JDClearDatabasesViewControllerView Controller offers users ability to delete databases with confirmation
JDDatabaseManagerProvides a manager for interacting with the database safely
JDDeleteVehicleViewControllerView Controller to display application information to user
JDDownloadManagerHandles downloading of maintenance info
JDEditVehicleViewControllerView controller to add a new vehicle to app
JDFieldArrayProvides an object manager to supply get and set database requests
JDLoginViewControllerView controller shows login screen and handles login logic
JDMaintenanceManagerCreates a manager used to safely request and create user data
JDManualConnectionViewControllerView Controller to display application information to user
JDMyVehiclesTableViewControllerView controller displays the my vehicles page interface
JDSignUpViewControllerView Controller for sign up screen
JDTempTractorAlertSimple class to hold tractor info temporarily
JDThresholdItemRepresents a tractor item used for enumerating tractors in the tractor list
JDThresholdListCreates a list of the tractors enumerated by the tractors.xml file to use with app
JDTractorAlertServerCreates a list of the tractors enumerated by the tractors.xml file to use with app
JDTractorAlertServerItemItems served as alerts for a tractorvision recognition
JDTractorHistoryTableViewControllerView controller displays the my vehicles page interface
JDTractorInfoHeaderCellCell for displaying tractor options
JDTractorInfoLoadingCellCell for displaying tractor options
JDTractorInfoScrollViewCell for displaying tractor options
JDTractorInfoViewCell for displaying tractor options
JDTractorInfoViewControllerView controller shows login screen and handles login logic
JDTractorItemRepresents a tractor item used for enumerating tractors in the tractor list
JDTractorListCreates a list of the tractors enumerated by the tractors.xml file to use with app
JDTractorManagerManager for adding and removing tractor information
JDTractorSelectCellCell for displaying tractor options
JDTractorSelectCollectionViewView controller to select vehicle for collection
JDTractorSelectPopupViewView Controller that shows the pop up view on demand
JDUserManagerCreates a manager used to safely request and create user data
JDVehicleTableCellCell for displaying tractor options
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Generated on 27 Apr 2015 for My Project by  doxygen 1.6.1